"Intelligence Report" "Transmitting The Truth!"


Monday, November 7, 2011

"FEMA" Will do a Nationwide Emergency Alert System TEST

In what is obviously a muscle flexing exercise meant to show the public just how much power and control the federal government really has, all communications will be cut off for an estimated 30 seconds. Or possibly up to three and a half minutes on November 9th, 2011. Claiming this is a test of the emergency response system, the terror alert system, and any other excuse they can come up with, Fema (that would be the same FEMA in charge of those camps they deny exist) will conduct a complete communications shutdown: all TV, radio, will be disabled simultaneously. This will be at 2 p.m. eastern standard time possibly Internet and Phone communications may go down during this time.

By theintelhub.com

I am trying to figure out what kind of national emergency would require cutting all communications, broadcasts and internet use? Maybe an emergency in which the government itself feels threatened by …….the people?

If this were a test to make sure the system was intact in the event of an emergency I could understand it. But that isn’t what this is.

This is a test meant to ensure that the apparatus is in place and operational in the event the government wants to prevent communication between citizens: this is a test to make sure they CAN shut it all down if they choose to.

Think Egypt here. As the protest crowds grew in Egypt, what did the government do? They shut down all cell phones and internet access in an effort to halt communications. It didn’t stop anything, the crowds still grew, but the idea behind this action was clear.

I believe what is actually behind this might be the downloading of some kind of code needed to make the shut-down apparatus work efficiently. Think about your cable system if you have one or even an upgrade to many computer programs.

By theintelhub.com

Being a rather rational and logical person, the idea of shutting off communications of all kinds during a national emergency just doesn’t make any sense to me. Why would anyone want to do that?

Wouldn’t your first reaction be to make sure communications were all intact and operational? Unless of course, their definition of an emergency is something other than say extreme weather, floods or things of that kind.

In what kind of emergency situation would it benefit the public to have all communications shut down? I can’t even think of one.

If I were the government I could see where it could be really handy especially in light of the steady growing unrest across the country. Of course their phones, computers and broadcast systems would all be working just fine as their communications systems are independent of the system the public uses.

We have long since passed the point where we can trust government on any level. This impending communications shut down is only a test run for something far more serious.

This is not about public safety, emergency response or any of the other fluff and hype put out to try and explain why the government would engage in such a test. In my opinion, this is merely a test run for a future event which could be catastrophic as far as the general public is concerned.

Keep your eyes and ears open…….something is afoot here and it doesn’t look good for most of us.


By truthseekerblog.

When the united states is under martial law or in a time of Emergency they will use this Nationwide Emergency Alert System to relocate people. And i been warning people for years DO NOT RELOCATE ANYWHERE THEY TELL YOU TO GO. Do a youtube search on "FEMA concentration camps exposed"


November 9, 2011 is the day that Asteroid 2005YU55 flyby closest to the Earth, in distance closer than the Moon or 0.8 LD (Lunar distance). It’s follows the tail of Comet Elenin. It is not perfect day for testing the equipment – or is it?

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