Terry Ingram Vietnam Vet & Former Police Detective Teaches Citizens How to handle Police encounters in a POLICE STATE
Monday, December 26, 2011
How handle police in encounters in A POLICE STATE
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
How to organize a survival group.
Don't be scared be prepared!
Wednesday, December 21, 2011
LAPD desecrates American flag at Occupy LA
the early morning of November 30, LAPD officers storm out of City Hall and start evicting the Occupy LA protesters. While they are destroying the occupiers personal belongings, a LA cop rips the American flag.
Thursday, December 15, 2011
The Stuff WILL Hit The Fan Sooner Or Later!!
The way things are looking right now it could be More sooner than later.
Don't Let Them Take You To A Concentration Camp!!
Now is the time to wake up people. The protests / unrest is starting to happen in the united states. I been warning you people this was coming for years. when they call martial law there will be no turning back.
Government to impose MARTIAL LAW Soon?
I been seeing his videos for a long time now... I have never seen him this frustrated before. U can see it in his eyes.
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
They can label you as a terrorist and take you to Guantanamo Bay...and you'll have no civil rights, no access to a lawyer, and they won't even tell your family where you're going or where you're at...and they can keep you locked up for as long as they want to. Do you know what that means? Don't be taken alive...
Other points to consider-
Posting on Twitter, Facebook, GLP, or other data mining sites any anti-Obama, Federal Reserve, or the US maintaining its sovereignty~~~ MARKED AS A DISSIDENT.
Anyone else smell pre WW2 Germany?
Comment from a random person: MARK MY WORDS: US Troops in the streets VERY soon with the passage of this bill. Paramilitary checkpoints, the whole nine yards.
Make no doubt people, this will be used as a political tool to silence and detain Obama's opposition Waffen-SS style. Make sure you have all your papers in order, warrants cleared, etc. Any substantial quantities of food should be taken the nearest country safespot and buried. Sell your silver and gold and prepare for a bugout.
I've never in my whole time of surfing the net in the past 13 years said that the time is now. Well, I believe THE TIME IS NOW. This bill is a declaration of war against the American citizenry by the political elite.
If there are any shills reading this, please, for the sake of humanity, turn against your masters now. Believe me, you who are in the know will be some of the first to go. That's how this stuff works. You are no longer necessary when power is consolidated.
Comment from a random person: I would say wake up, but it is to that point where those of you who are still sleeping will start to have shovel-loads of dirt tossed on you for your nap.
Comment from a random person: Where we are headed-
On the same day, Stalin passed a law that ordered anyone accused of terrorism and plots against the government was to be arrested and executed immediately after conviction. This law gave Stalin the chance to carry out the Great Purges properly and easily without any resistance.
The Great Purges
Stalin used this 1934 law to launch a massive purge of all the people, including Communist Party members and top government officials, who were potential rivals or threats to him, those who criticised his policies and even the innocent few. Stalin held show trials for those party members who opposed him. These trials were meant for the people to see and serve as a warning to any people planning to oppose Stalin. They were held in Moscow and were filmed at times to show in other parts of Russia, so that the people in those places would also receive the same precautionary warning.
In the "Trial of the Sixteen", in 1936, Zinoniev, Kamenev and 14 other prominent members of the party who had questioned Stalin and his actions before were put on trial. They were charged with being part of a conspiracy to assassinate leading Communists, and they were found guilty and executed promptly.
The "Trial of the Seventeen" in 1937 saw Radek and 16 other members charged with a variety of crimes such as sabotage and treason. 13 of them were executed while the other 4 were brought to labour camps.
In 1938 the "Trial of the Twenty-One" was held. Bukharin, Rykov and 19 others were charged with an even greater assortment of crimes. As in the earlier trials, the secret police tortured the accused and extracted confessions of guilt.
By 1937 the purging had spread to the armed forces. Russia's most famous general Tuchachevsky and other generals were arrested and killed. By 1939, 3 out of 5 marshals and about half of the military officials had been purged.
The Great Purges had affected Russians all over as they lived in constant fear that they would be arrested and jailed, tortured or shot. It was common for ordinary citizens to accuse their neighbours or even family members of criticising Stalin so as to project a patriotic and loyal image of themselves in the hope that they would not be killed. In this way, all sectors of society were affected. People of every profession and background were purged. Over 10 million people were sent to labour camps where they often died, while a million were executed.
Comment from a random person: I pray that a second american revolution, and NOT a second holocaust, shall be part of the human timeline. I have no respect for humanity if we let this happen AGAIN.
Don't let them take you to a concentration camp!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Monday, November 28, 2011
U.S. being declared a "Battlefield" -Military can arrest and Lock Up ANY U.S. citizen
Mainstream media actually doing there job for ones. "rare"
UPDATE 11-29-2011 mainstream media now talking about the bill.
The US Senate is About to Declare War on Freedom and the American People.
This is it! This would take away any last freedoms we think we may have.
A Bill that allows the military to become the police and declares the U.S. as a battlefield, then the military can take and detain any U.S. citizen in the battlefield! They never have to charge you with anything nor give you a trial with this bill! In other words, if they don't like what you say or do, you can be picked up and held for the rest of your life without ever be given a reason nor trial! They will put you in a FEMA concentration camp!
If you enjoy what little freedoms we have left... then you need to let your elected official (not that they listen to the people) to vote NO on this bill!
It is coming up for vote on Monday or Tuesday - Carl Levin (D) and John McCain (R) created a bill behind closed doors that proclaims even the U.S. as a battlefield and U.S. citizens can be proclaimed enemy combatants!
This is so serious! This makes the military the Police and allows the military to come to your front door and arrest and lock you up! Remember the patriot act allows the U.S. to take people and never say they have them.
This would even go farther, it will be the military not the FBI, CIA etc to take U.S. citizens. It could be the military that could start shooting at us, since we would be in a battlefield!
Is it because the government doesn't trust the police to stop the Occupy Wall Street folks? Is it because they know the police may even join the OWS movement at some point?
The ACLU is telling everyone to contact they elected official and tell them to vote NO!
This is so outrageous!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Occupy Wall Street Protestor, Retired Philadelphia Police Chief Ray Lewis is Arrested in Full Uniform by his Brothers in Blue.
Startling footage posted on YouTube shows his uniform blending in with a dozen other officers - before they grab him and haul him away.
Sitting against a wall in full dress uniform with his hands cuffed behind him, this is former Philadelphia police captain Ray Lewis being arrested during the Occupy Wall St protests.
The ex-cop was taking part in the demonstrations in New York when he was detained by fellow officers who put toughened plastic bands around his wrists and shoved him to the floor.
Capt Ray Lewis Joins OWS Protest,Gives Message to NYPD and Slams The Greed 1% from Zuccotti Park
Retired Philly Police Captain Ray Lewis After The Eviction of OWS From Zuccotti Park 11/15/11 (LoFi)
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The 22 firearm is king.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
*BREAKING* National Emergency Alert System FAILURE? Washington Post
No alerts on screen at 2 p.m. in The Post newsroom. (Melissa Bell)
So, how’d it go?
The results likely won’t come back for some time, but in the Post newsroom, the initial reaction was less than impressed. Television channels switched the alert on at different times; some did not switch it on at all.
Monday, November 7, 2011
"FEMA" Will do a Nationwide Emergency Alert System TEST
In what is obviously a muscle flexing exercise meant to show the public just how much power and control the federal government really has, all communications will be cut off for an estimated 30 seconds. Or possibly up to three and a half minutes on November 9th, 2011. Claiming this is a test of the emergency response system, the terror alert system, and any other excuse they can come up with, Fema (that would be the same FEMA in charge of those camps they deny exist) will conduct a complete communications shutdown: all TV, radio, will be disabled simultaneously. This will be at 2 p.m. eastern standard time possibly Internet and Phone communications may go down during this time.
By theintelhub.com
I am trying to figure out what kind of national emergency would require cutting all communications, broadcasts and internet use? Maybe an emergency in which the government itself feels threatened by …….the people?
If this were a test to make sure the system was intact in the event of an emergency I could understand it. But that isn’t what this is.
This is a test meant to ensure that the apparatus is in place and operational in the event the government wants to prevent communication between citizens: this is a test to make sure they CAN shut it all down if they choose to.
Think Egypt here. As the protest crowds grew in Egypt, what did the government do? They shut down all cell phones and internet access in an effort to halt communications. It didn’t stop anything, the crowds still grew, but the idea behind this action was clear.
I believe what is actually behind this might be the downloading of some kind of code needed to make the shut-down apparatus work efficiently. Think about your cable system if you have one or even an upgrade to many computer programs.
By theintelhub.com
Being a rather rational and logical person, the idea of shutting off communications of all kinds during a national emergency just doesn’t make any sense to me. Why would anyone want to do that?
Wouldn’t your first reaction be to make sure communications were all intact and operational? Unless of course, their definition of an emergency is something other than say extreme weather, floods or things of that kind.
In what kind of emergency situation would it benefit the public to have all communications shut down? I can’t even think of one.
If I were the government I could see where it could be really handy especially in light of the steady growing unrest across the country. Of course their phones, computers and broadcast systems would all be working just fine as their communications systems are independent of the system the public uses.
We have long since passed the point where we can trust government on any level. This impending communications shut down is only a test run for something far more serious.
This is not about public safety, emergency response or any of the other fluff and hype put out to try and explain why the government would engage in such a test. In my opinion, this is merely a test run for a future event which could be catastrophic as far as the general public is concerned.
Keep your eyes and ears open…….something is afoot here and it doesn’t look good for most of us.
By truthseekerblog.
When the united states is under martial law or in a time of Emergency they will use this Nationwide Emergency Alert System to relocate people. And i been warning people for years DO NOT RELOCATE ANYWHERE THEY TELL YOU TO GO. Do a youtube search on "FEMA concentration camps exposed"
November 9, 2011 is the day that Asteroid 2005YU55 flyby closest to the Earth, in distance closer than the Moon or 0.8 LD (Lunar distance). It’s follows the tail of Comet Elenin. It is not perfect day for testing the equipment – or is it?
Saturday, November 5, 2011
FEMA Camps, ....
the truth on 911,....
the coming martial law in America,....
the collapse of the US economy and world economy's,....
the attack on the second amendment/Constitution,....
the truth on UFOs and much more for over 7 years. There's a lot of things i am trying to make you people aware of. But the number one mission out of everything i do is asking people to get right with god.
Yes this is literally the end days.
I don't know how much time we have left be for things get bad to were there is civil unrest, when the "SHTF" A lot of people are trying to warn you about these things, Most people that are aware of what's coming don't realize how bad it is really going to be. Prepare now! Or regret it later.
YOU NEED TO ASK GOD IF I AM SPEAKING THE TRUTH. AND YOU NEED TO PAY ATTENTION TO THE UPDATES. Please keep a eye on my blog. "The blog your on right now" There are many other sites you can go to as well,here's a few,
thewatcherfiles.com ae911truth.org youtube.com/user/crabbydogtrix
God has given us a way to fight Satan and his goons with Orgone!
But remember that PRAYING is your number one weapon!
GET OFF THE Sideline's!!
Be on the winning team!
This is a war between good and evil! Do you people understand now?
Get something done for god! Ask him what he wants you to do!
YOUR NUMBER ONE SOURCE FOR TRUTH/INFO IS GOD! Pray for the truth in all things everyday!
"The Truth Will Set You Free"
The text below was posted by sherry shriner
It's time to choose..whom will you follow? The True Son of God? Or the hoax that is on the way claiming he is Jesus/God and demands for you to accept his mark (chip implant) on or in your right hand or forehead to show your loyalty to him (Satan). It's time to take a stand now for Yahushua and eternal life in heaven! Our only safety is in Yahushua!
"For God so loved the world, that He sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him, should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16
If you want Victory over the evil that is pervading this world than YOU NEED YAHUSHUA!
His REAL Hebrew Name is YAHUSHUA!
If you want victory over the technology that our government and military are trying to destroy you with, then YOU NEED YAHUSHUA.
If you want eternal life in heaven then YOU NEED JESUS-YAHUSHUA.
Say this prayer between you and Him.
Lord I know I'm a sinner and that without you I am lost.
Please forgive me for my sins, for the sins I've committed against others, and help me to forgive those that have sinned against me.
I believe that you sent your Son, Yahushua, to die on the cross, that He rose again 3 days later.
I accept your gift of salvation, and ask that you come into my heart and be my Saviour. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and give me all the blessings promised in your Word and those that you want to give to me.
Help me to live for you from this day on.
Thank you Father for sending your Son. Thank you Yahushua for saving me and being my personal Saviour.
In Yahushua's Name, Amen
Now Seek HIM..with all Your MIND, SOUL and STRENGTH. You don't "try" Yahushua..you build a relationship with HIM.
Learn How at http://www.sherryshriner.com/sherry/kingdom-of-God.htm
Online Bible http://www.blueletterbible.com
Monday, October 31, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Economic Collapse Approaches - Preppers Shall Inherit the Earth
US and World Economies WILL COLLAPSE!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Is A False Flag Terrorist Attack Coming? Will It Be Blamed On Orgone?
MORE INFO ON Orgone: http://www.orgoneblasters.com/audio/orgone.mp3
How To Make Your Own: http://www.orgonewarriors.com/make-your-own.htm
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Hurricane Irene Aftermath "North Arlington NJ"
Friday, August 26, 2011
CNN Said Buses Are Taking People To Shelters & Police Might Force You To Evacuate
More info on FEMA CAMPS
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Earthquake of this magnitude is rare for the East Coast
A magnitude-5.9 earthquake strikes the east coast of the United States, causing buildings to be evacuated in a number of cities.
The tremors were in NJ and NYC as well...
Sign of the times.
Earthquake on the east coast, really a non-event. except for the panicky unprepared for anything sheeple.
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Stock Market Crash - This IS the Tipping Point for Hyperinflation
Monday, August 8, 2011
Saturday, August 6, 2011
My name is Stephen and I been exposing in my blog/facebook/myspace/youtube/flyers, etc, the New World Order,FEMA Camps,the truth on 911,the coming martial law in America,the collapse of the US economy and world economy's,The truth on zombies,UFOs, and much more for over 7 years. There's a lot of things i am trying to make you people aware of. But the number one mission out of everything i do is asking people to get right with god. Yes this is literally the end days. I don't know how much time we have left be for things get bad to were there is civil unrest, when the "SHTF" A lot of people are trying to warn you about these things, Most people that are aware of what's coming don't realize how bad it is really going to be. Prepare now! Or regret it later. YOU NEED TO ASK GOD IF I AM SPEAKING THE TRUTH. AND YOU NEED TO PAY ATTENTION TO THE UPDATES. Please keep a eye on my blog. "The blog your on right now" There are many other sites you can go to as well,here's a few,
thewatcherfiles.com ae911truth.org youtube.com/user/crabbydogtrix
Be on the winning team!
This is a war between good and evil! Do you people understand now?
Get something done for god! Ask him what he wants you to do!
YOUR NUMBER ONE SOURCE FOR TRUTH/INFO IS GOD! Pray for the truth in all things everyday!
"The Truth Will Set You Free"
The text below was posted by sherry shriner
It's time to choose..whom will you follow? The True Son of God? Or the hoax that is on the way claiming he is Jesus/God and demands for you to accept his mark (chip implant) on or in your right hand or forehead to show your loyalty to him (Satan). It's time to take a stand now for Yahushua and eternal life in heaven! Our only safety is in Yahushua!
"For God so loved the world, that He sent His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him, should not perish but have everlasting life" John 3:16
If you want Victory over the evil that is pervading this world than YOU NEED YAHUSHUA!
His REAL Hebrew Name is YAHUSHUA!
If you want victory over the technology that our government and military are trying to destroy you with, then YOU NEED YAHUSHUA.
If you want eternal life in heaven then YOU NEED JESUS-YAHUSHUA.
Say this prayer between you and Him.
Lord I know I'm a sinner and that without you I am lost.
Please forgive me for my sins, for the sins I've committed against others, and help me to forgive those that have sinned against me.
I believe that you sent your Son, Yahushua, to die on the cross, that He rose again 3 days later.
I accept your gift of salvation, and ask that you come into my heart and be my Saviour. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and give me all the blessings promised in your Word and those that you want to give to me.
Help me to live for you from this day on.
Thank you Father for sending your Son. Thank you Yahushua for saving me and being my personal Saviour.
In Yahushua's Name, Amen
Now Seek HIM..with all Your MIND, SOUL and STRENGTH. You don't "try" Yahushua..you build a relationship with HIM.
Learn How at http://www.sherryshriner.com/sherry/kingdom-of-God.htm
Online Bible http://www.blueletterbible.com
BREAKING - S&P Downgrades U.S. Credit Rating!
MORE INFO http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1585107/pg1
Friday, August 5, 2011
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Bunker Report 8/1/11 "Just a little Reminder of what's down the Road"
Friday, July 29, 2011
Friday, July 22, 2011
Will Social Security Checks Stop Going Out??
No guarantee on Social Security checks? I seen this coming. It is just going to get worse as the days go on. prepare prepare prepare!
Social Security default fears grow
Breaking now. Bohner's walked out. No deal and they're out of time.
Obama is totally bewildered and said he did not expect this to happen.
[link to blogs.voanews.com]
Obama says the top Republican in the House of Representatives has broken off negotiations to raise the U.S. borrowing limit despite Obama offering what he called “an extraordinarily fair deal.”
Obama said Friday it was “hard to understand” why House Speaker John Boehner would “walk away from this kind of deal.” Obama said they are now out of time.
Comments from random people regarding this UPDATE
From XP: Off to get final supplies enjoy the ride gang!
From random person: So is this it? Are finally financially done?
From random person: Basically, yes. But Aug 2 is the official doom date because that's when they vote NAE on raising the debt ceiling
From random person: This is the signal. If you are smart you will take appropriate action NOW. Everything is about to change in 2 weeks.
From Sherry Shriner: I ask Sherry from the thewatcherfiles.com what she thinks would happen if the Social Security checks don't go out? Her reply is "anarchy"
MORE INFO http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1570196/pg3
Monday, July 4, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Monday, June 6, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Do NOT be afraid to exercise your 2nd Amendment God-Given Right!
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Civil Unrest & Food Storage
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Martial Law Is Coming to America!
Monday, April 18, 2011
A old friend of my made this video.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
We Have Until July at the Latest Before Economic Collapse?
Friday, April 15, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Economic Collapse Preparation: Food Storage in General
Although I put a much higher emphasis on growing your own food and hunting, food storage is certainly important. Be sure to decide if you are going to share your food storage cache, and that you have a means of defending your cache(s). Be sure to get a pellet gun to supplement your food storage.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Welcome to 2011, Click the link >>>> - Prophetic Word for the Year
If you did not start putting away food, water etc now would be a good time to do it. Prices will be going up. Me and many others seen this coming.
It's going to get harder and harder to prepare as Prices go up. Eventually you wont be able to just go to the store and buy food because people will be Looting them!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Economic Collapse Preparation: Experience is a Warning
In Dallas we had ice storms that shutdown the Dallas area for 4 days. Shelves were empty & the food was gone. We won't have much time in a collapse panic to prepare - probably around 24 hours.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
"Bunker Report" Ammo Loadout.
You can hold 2,000 "22 rounds" in this!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
New disease outbreak with 40% KILL RATE, and much more!
Plus he talks about the Report on the FEMA Exercises at Giants Stadium.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Law Enforcement Given Shoot to Kill Orders During Civil Unrest
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
"REPORT" FEMA Exercises at Giants Stadium. MARTIAL LAW IS COMING
FEMA Concentration and Internment Camps
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Sunday, March 20, 2011
A Message Sent Out From Man In Japan
We Want the Truth!!!
At the request of a French Citizen who lives in Japan....Thursday, March 17, 2011
UN: Radiation May Possibly Hit U.S. By Friday
"I am not surprised by this at all. I been warning about this for days now. I hope everything turns out ok for the west coast" Pray for the west coast and japan.
From the The New York Times:
A United Nations forecast of the possible movement of the radioactive plume coming from crippled Japanese reactors shows it churning across the Pacific and touching the Aleutian Islands on Thursday before hitting Southern California late Friday.
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Well what do ya' know CNN says Nuclear Fallout May Reach The West Coast Of Canada and USA
Warning! Prepare Now For Nuclear Fallout to Reach Western Seaboard of US
UPDATE ON POSSIBLE Nuclear Fallout To Hit United States!
Alert *Explosion #3 at Plant 2 of Fukushima Dai-ichi plant ! container vessel has cracked
Alert *Fourth reactor on Fire , Damaged at Fukushima plant . Radiation Cloud Moving Tokyo
Monday, March 14, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
POSSIBLE Nuclear Fallout To Hit United States. Japanese Nuclear Power Plant Explodes
Japan's 8.9 and the events to follow, plus talk, and inportant links!
Nuclear authorities had earlier warned that the Fukushima No 1 plant, located about 250km northeast of Tokyo, an urban area of 30 million people, "may be experiencing a nuclear meltdown".
The plant's cooling system was damaged in the quake that hit yesterday, leaving the government scrambling to fix the problem and evacuate more than 45,000 residents within a 10km radius.
Public broadcaster NHK today said that a blast had been heard at about 3.30pm local time and showed delayed footage of smoke billowing from the site, also reporting that the reactor building had been destroyed.
TV channels warned nearby residents to stay indoors, turn off air-conditioners and not to drink tap water. People going outside were also told to avoid exposing their skin and to cover their faces with masks and wet towels.